
Goodman Community Center

214 Waubesa St, Madison, WI

    WISCAP’s OMB Uniform Guidance Training

    Having strong internal controls and understanding the rules governing how you can and cannot spend federal dollars are keys to fiscal management and overall compliance in your organization. And the regulations have changed!   Review the regulations you need to know to stay in compliance through examples, stories and best practices facilitated from trainers with years of auditing and consulting experience. You won’t just explore the regulations but, more importantly, you’ll take home tips on how to implement them in your organization immediately. Professionals new to the organization, as well as professionals who have been there for decades, will benefit from this two-day review of the administrative and cost principles/allocation sections of the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB’s) 2 CFR Part 200 – Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (also known as the “Uniform Guidance”). Wipfli has facilitated training to over 20,000 grant-funded leaders since 2020 with evaluation scores of “very good” and “excellent” across the board.


      Monday, April 14th

      Day 1 – 9:00am – 4:00pm

      General Provisions and Administrative Requirements

      Description: After an introduction and discussion of the laws and regulations, we’ll discuss the general provisions and administrative requirements. We’ll focus on these key areas:

      • Applicability of, and implementation dates for, the new regulations
      • Standards for financial management systems and internal controls
      • Property and equipment
      • Program income
      • Budget revisions
      • Procurement
      • Requirements for pass-through agencies
      • Reporting and record retention requirements

      Learning objectives:

      1. Review the organization, applicability and implementation timeline of the new Uniform Guidance.
      2. Discuss the requirements for financial systems.
      3. Discuss the regulations on program income, property and procurement.
      4. Explore the requirements for reporting and record retention.

      Tuesday, April 15th

      Day 2 – 9:00am – 4:00pm

      OMB Cost Principles, Cost Allocation, Selected Items of Cost and Audit Retention

      Description: The cost principles cover the costs that a grant-funded program can charge to federal grant awards. We’ll discuss the general principles, allowable costs, unallowable costs and costs that require prior approval. We’ll also discuss all the changes related to cost allocation and selected items of cost, as well as the changes in audit requirements that will come with the implementation of the regulations.

       Learning objectives:

      1. Explore the basics of allowable costs.
      2. Discuss direct and indirect costs.
      3. Explore the options for cost allocation in the new Uniform Guidance.
      4. Review the changes in audit requirements.