Badger State Housing Alliance


About the Badger State Housing Alliance

The Badger State Housing Alliance exists to offer alternatives and build a new reality for housing in Wisconsin. We aim to create improved systems for how we finance, approve, and support good, permanent affordable housing that is both energy efficient and provides for individuals who occupy these homes to be able to access to high-quality customized supportive services. Investments in our communities will lead to social and economic returns well beyond the dollars initially invested. Building that effort is our challenge.

BSHA seeks to support a cross-sector effort to improve affordable housing on the national, state, and local levels while creating a “Blueprint for Wisconsin Housing.”

The main BSHA committee meets quarterly to set the agenda for our work. In addition to the main committee, we have a Steering Committee which guides and develops our work plan and an Advocacy and Outreach Committee that assists in the growth the impact of our work.

If you are interested, please join our sub-committees. Spread the word and please get involved!

Help us chart a new direction in permanent affordable housing in Wisconsin. We need to grow our network so that we can positively impact the housing crisis on local, state, and national levels. Our next Quarterly Meeting is Thursday March 7, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. 9:00 – Zoom 

Participate and help us evolve to better meet the challenges we face. The Agenda is here 



Join the Badger State Housing Alliance

The Badger State Housing Alliance is a statewide collective focused on addressing the affordable housing crisis in Wisconsin.

Anyone can sign up to receive the Badger State Housing Alliance Newsletter and attend free workshops. 

Please share information about the Badger State Housing Alliance with colleagues, elected officials, friends, family members or anyone you think would benefit from this effort.


Sign up for the BHSA Newsletter

Our Principles 

We are a statewide coalition of groups that believes safe, affordable, quality housing is a human right and essential to healthy, thriving communities.

We will work together to:

  • Advocate for just and equitable housing solutions that center the needs of those that are disproportionately impacted by housing insecurity and marginalized communities.
  • Support efforts that address the shortage of affordable housing, and prevent housing instability for individuals and families in Wisconsin.
  • Expand the resources available for affordable housing development and preservation through public and private investment.
  • Support initiatives that improve the quality of housing and the health of residents such as funding for programs that address maintenance, repair, and energy costs.
  • Advocate for shared policy objectives that help strengthen communities across Wisconsin, including access to higher wages, live-work approaches, transportation infrastructure, and other quality of life standards.

Our Approach

Cross Sector Collaboration.

We work in collaboration across sectors to maximize the use of available resources and expertise.


Housing as Public Health.

We recognize housing is a key social determinant of health and a stable place to live supports the health of people and communities over time.



We believe that people should be able to live in the community of their choice without discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical disability, religion, immigration status, or any legally protected class.


Diverse Voices.

We prioritize the inclusion of a diverse set of voices in this work, particularly those with lived experience, who can shed a light on how effective current efforts are and emerging gaps.


Local Flexibility and Sustainability.

We support all communities as they seek customized approaches to address the state’s affordable housing challenges as they evolve over time.


Commitment to Racial and Economic Justice.

We recognize that historic and ongoing discriminatory, practices and policies have contributed to systemic housing insecurity and are committed to advocating for policy actions that will dismantle the legacy of racist housing policies.

Badger State Housing Alliance Focus Areas


WISCAP and BHSA advocate for community resiliency, solutions to address poverty, and enhance financial stability.


WISCAP provides an annual menu of trainings to help member agencies & community partners build capacity to do great work.

Curds of Wisdom

The Curds of Wisdom speaker series is a free, monthly forum focused on creating and preserving housing options throughout Wisconsin that was developed by the Badger State Housing Alliance. The series aims to share effective practices and build relationships among advocates and practitioners. Please join us whether you are an elected official or a motivated neighbor!  

Curds of Wisdom is co-sponsored by WISCAP, League of Wisconsin Municipalities, and the Wisconsin Council of Churches.

To Register for Curds of Wisdom – CLICK HERE

Upcoming Session: Tentative – Wed. Oct. 9th at noon

Passcode: ag#zZ32u

The Role of Manufactured & Modular Housing Can Play in Addressing Wisconsin’s Housing Storage

Did you know manufactured housing is the largest form of unsubsidized affordable housing in the U.S.? Victoria (Tory) Clark-West, Executive Director for the Northcountry Cooperative Foundation and Amy Bliss, Executive Director for the Wisconsin Housing Alliance, are excited to share perspectives on why manufactured and modular housing needs to be a bigger part of the affordable housing conversation.

Tory will provide a quick history on manufactured communities, their challenges, and the opportunity to expand permanent affordability through cooperative ownership. Then Amy will share examples of recent manufactured and modular homes in Wisconsin, such as the work by Habitat for Humanity of the Greater La Crosse Region.

The Northcountry Cooperative Foundation helps manufactured housing communities in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa to organize cooperatives, purchase the land beneath their homes, and support resident-owned communities with governance and special projects. The Wisconsin Housing Alliance, a membership organization, serves as the voice of factory-built housing in Wisconsin. Many of Wisconsin Housing Alliance’s members are local, family-owned communities.

Passcode: &xsL6vnS

More Housing Wisconsin: Rezoning Wisconsin & the Missing Middle

This session will be presented by Curt Witynski of Witynski Consulting LLC and Daphne Xu, Associate Planner for the City of Middleton. Wisconsin is experiencing a significant housing shortage. A recent study estimates Wisconsin will need to build 200,000 housing units by 2030 to accommodate all the people who want to live and work here. More Housing Wisconsin, a collaboration between the Wisconsin Realtors Association, the Wisconsin Builders Association, and the League of Wisconsin Municipalities, seeks to educate and inform Wisconsin city and village leaders and staff about zoning changes and other strategies communities can use to help address this state’s housing shortage. Our goal is to bring tools, resources, and best practices to municipalities to help communities initiate housing solutions that meet their unique needs and strengthen our economy.

Passcode: $t3k$m6Z

Real Estate by the Numbers

Tune in for this  high-energy review of housing market data with Troy Thiel, CEO of the Thiel Team with Real Broker LLC in Madison. To address the crisis head-on, we need to understand what the numbers are telling us about connections between housing supply, affordability, and investment incentives. For example, does more supply always lead to more affordability? Troy will present a range of perspectives on how data should drive proper solutions to the nation’s housing ecosystem challenges. Troy has nearly 30 years of experience in three major real estate markets (Chicago, Seattle, and Madison) and across various property types ranging from condominiums to subdivisions.

Passcode: k4?9V@I0

Affordable Homeownership and Wisconsin’s Aging Population

Wisconsin’s aging populations have many uphill challenges, but the ongoing housing crisis is threatening their ability to downsize, relocate, or age-in-place to enjoy their “Golden years”. Please join Amber Miller, Associate State Director of AARP Wisconsin and Anne Michels Founder and Executive Director of Green Pastures Living as they walk through these challenges and provide practical alternatives to allow seniors to retire in peace. The conversation will be moderated by Kristine Giornalista of BSHA. (NOTE: The presentation begins at the 46:20 mark.

Passcode: 07MQY+p6 

Paths to Affordable Homeownership with Habitat for Humanity & Movin’ Out

Join Habitat for Humanity of Wisconsin Executive Director Peter Lewandowski and Movin’ Out Home Ownership Program Director Vivian Rayam for a conversation about two important programs that support affordable home ownership in Wisconsin. This conversation will be facilitated by Heather Dummer Combs, Take Root Milwaukee Program Director of the Urban Economic Development Association of Wisconsin (UEDA)

Passcode: G9xYf8H.

Community Land Trusts as a Permanently Affordable Homeownership Tool  

Join Lamont Davis, Executive Director of the Milwaukee Community Land Trust, Olivia Williams, the Executive Director of the Madison Area Community Land Trust, and Ashley Lacenski of the Couleecap, Inc. Community Land Trust for an exciting discussion on Community Land Trusts as a path to permanent affordability in home ownership. This conversation will be facilitated by Todd Mandel of the Wisconsin  Partnership for Housing Development.   

Passcode: QR89yE+9

Housing Advocacy

In preparation for our first Advocacy Day with WISCAP on Wednesday, February 14 at the State Capitol in Madison (register here) as well as our Capitol Hill Day with the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) in Washington DC on March 21.

Join Marlo Fields of WISCAP and the Badger State Housing Alliance, Martha Collins of the Urban Economic Development Association (UEDA), a senior leader in coalition building, policy, program management, fund development, and nonprofit advocacy in issues that promote equity and economic opportunity, and Courtney Cooperman of the NLIHC for an exciting discussion on housing advocacy. Kristine Gironalista of the BSHA will facilitate this conversation.

Passcode: QR89yE+9

WHEDA Updates with Elmer Moore

Elmer Moore, Jr., CEO and Executive Director of WHEDA, the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority, to discuss what is new with WHEDA. Lynnsey Erickson, Deputy Mayor City of Oshkosh and Community Health Strategist, Winnebago County Health Department and volunteer from the Badger State Housing Alliance will moderate this exciting discussion. 

Mr. Moore will discuss WHEDA’s new Workforce Housing opportunities including Restoring Main Street, From Vacancy-to-Vitality and other programs including their Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and first-time homebuyer work. Please sign up for this exciting discussion.

Passcode: 8.6s!SJB

Rural Community Development in Wisconsin

Joining Anne will be Nicole Solheim, Vice President of Cinnaire Solutions, a nonprofit development company focused on affordable housing and community development. In her current role and prior work with a national development company, she has worked with multiple rural communities throughout Wisconsin to help address their housing needs for the workforce, seniors, and specific populations.

Also joining the conversation is Kelly Westlund, who currently serves in a pilot position as the UW-Extension Housing Educator in Bayfield County. She worked previously as the Northwest Regional Representative for U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin, where she facilitated constituent services and tracked emerging issues of concern across rural northern Wisconsin.  She is currently involved in creating a local Community Area Land Trust.

The conversation will focus on our guest’s experience working with a variety of rural communities to develop affordable housing. This will include an overview of the development process, funding sources, gauging community support, and understanding the local market.

CURDS of Wisdom is a project of the Badger State Housing Alliance with co-sponsors the League of WI Municipalities, and the WI Council of Churches. We present discussions on good housing in Wisconsin through a lens of affordability and community involvement. CURDS of Wisdom happens the second Wednesday of most months from Noon-1:00 PM.

Curds of Wisdom is co-sponsored by WISCAP, League of Wisconsin Municipalities, and the Wisconsin Council of Churches.

Passcode: M7G.x97K

Zoning & Local Fair Housing Policies

Kori Schneider Peragine, Senior Administrator, Metropolitan Milwaukee Fair Housing Council and Robin Palm, Planner II, Village of Mt. Pleasant, WI. Hosted by Kristine Giornalista from Ablelight. Moderated by Sarah Jenkins from the Metro Milwaukee Fair Housing Council.

Passcode: jq&*j8$9

Promoting Housing Development in Eau Claire

Eau Claire, Wisconsin is a mid-sized community with significant affordable housing challenges. Listen and learn from the Eau Claire experience.

This discussion will feature Kate Felton, City of Eau Claire City Council, Dr. Sue Wolfgram, Co-Chair of the JONAH Affordable Housing Task Force, Eau Claire Plan Commission, and the Fair Housing Council of Eau Claire, and planning staff from the City of Eau Claire. The fall Curds of Wisdom Series will focus on good development in rural, mid sized cities and urban areas of Wisconsin.

Passcode: W=6tq1^j

Housing Development in the Fox Valley

Join a community conversation hosted by Lynnsey Erickson, Deputy Mayor for the City of Oshkosh and Community Health Strategist with the Winnebago County Health Department. Joining Lynnsey will be Lu Scheer, Housing Grants Specialist (Winnebago County), Bill Van Lopik (ESTHER Fox Valley), and Jennifer Verderami (ESTHER Housing Advocate) to talk about current strategies for good housing in Winnebago County and mobilizing people directly impacted by housing instability. Link to Survey

Passcode: !2w4Wwp7

Framing the Message on Affordable Housing

Katie Bannon, Zoning Administrator, City of Madison, and Rabbi Bonnie Margulis, Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice will discuss messaging on good housing and how we frame the message to make affordable housing happen in Wisconsin. Katie recently was involved in successfully increasing the number of unrelated people allowed to live together in a household in Madison. Rabbi Bonnie has long pushed social justice issues particularly on housing and immigrant workers in Madison and South-Central WI. Kristine Giornalista from the Badger State Housing Alliance will moderate this exciting discussion. Link to Survey